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Our Cosmic Connection

Year: 2011



ISBN: 9788175415201(HB)

Price: Rs.495

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About the Book

About Author


Author's Note


OM - Some Commentaries
From Sri Shankaracharya Discourses/ 13; From the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna/ 14; The meaning of OM (According to Swami Vivekananda)/ 15; What scriptures say about OM/ 15; Special Commentary by Dr. S. Sundaram/ 17; by Meera Prakash/ 20

The Story of Lord Kartikeya
OM - God becomes a Student

Om is Sound
Pranava Shabda/ 31; Vibration and Resonance/ 32; Frequency/ 33; Pattern and Rhythm/ 35; Naad - Music/ 36; Ahat and Anahat Naad/ 39; Nadis/ 40; Articulation and Knowledge/ 41; Speech - Name/ 43; Hearing OM/ 46

Om is Space
Visible Universe - the sky (Akasha)/ 47; Invisible Dark Matter/ 48; Microcosm/Macrocosm (Atom, Adam, Adham)/ 50; Presence (Existence)/ 51; Essence (Cause)/ 52; Perception (Inference)/ 54; Inner Space/ 55; Center/ 56; Expansion and Fullness/ 58

Om is Air
Prana - The Living Self/ 60; Life's Breath - Vital Force (the animating principle)/ 61; Spirit - psyche - mind/ 62; Soham/ 63

Om is Energy
Fusion/ 64; Potential/ 65; Active Principle (Mover and the moved)/ 66; Pure Energy/ 68; Complementary Forces/ 69;
Opposing forces (Duality - Action and Reaction)/ 70; Everything and Nothing/ 71

Om is Light
Manifestation of the Universe/ 73; Separation/ 75; Effulgence/ 76; Intelligence/ 77; Chords of Consciousness, Knowledge and Bliss/ 78; Thought/ 80; Wakeful, Dream, Sleep, and Turiya (Enlightened) State/ 81

Om is Water
Acceptance/ 85; OM is Nature/ 87; Purpose/ 88; Birth, Development, Multiplication, Nourishment and Dissolution/89/ Sound Waves under Water/ 90

Om is Earth
Working Universe/ 92; Causal, Karmic Regularity/ 94; The Senses/ 95; Survival/ 97; Limitedness /98

Om is Time
Temporal Reality/ 100; OM is Trinity/ 101; Stages - Avasthas/ 103; Duality - Relativity/ 105; Birth - Rebirth, Death/ 106; Providence and Free will/ 108; Destiny, Luck, Chance/ 109; Memory/ 111; Change, Chaos, Irregularity, Speed/ 112

Om is Timelessness
Unchangeable/ 114; Four states of Divine Consciousness/ 117; Eternity/ 119; Narayana - the Resting Place/ 120; Shunya, Void, Emptiness/ 121; The Four States of the Universe/ 123

Om is Revelation
Enlightenment/ 131; That art Thou - One and Many/ 133; The Soul is Brahman - Seat of Consciousness/ 136; Pure Consciousness is Brahman - Mental Peace/ 138; Cessation of Hatred/ 139; Well being/ 142; Spirituality/ 144; Equipment/ 146; Sadhana (Practice)/ 147; Meditation/ 148; Prayer/ 150; I am Brahman - Salvation/ 151; Sat Chit Anand/ 153; Shivom/154

Om is Singularity
Non existence - Unmoving Principle/ 158; Radiant Energy/ 160; OM Tat Sat/ 162; Singularity/ 165

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