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Year: 2024 impression


xiv + 346 pp

ISBN: 9788175415843(HB)

Price: $90

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ISBN: 9788175415850(PB)

Price: $30

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About the Book

Education is a potential instrument of social change, a starring force of culture, and a vital means of total national development.

The book is a comprehensive compendium covering principles and philosophies of education; fundamentals of teaching practices; aims and objectives of Pre-primary, Elementary and Secondary education; synoptic view of Development of Indian Education and cultural values since ancient times; the vital role of education in context of democracy, new social order, emotional integration, international peace and understanding and much more. The book may be found useful for all having interest in the subject.

About Author

Prof. Jagannath Mohanty, an eminent scholar, had his higher education and training twice from UK, first under Commonwealth Training Bursaries Scheme and second time under Commonwealth Education Fellowship. He is a former Professor of Education and Director, Academic Staff College, Utkal University, Bhubneshwar. Dr. Mohanty, Emeritus Fellow - UGC, and a prolific writer in English as well as Uriya, has been decorated with many national and state awards.



Concept, Meaning, Nature and Scope of Education
Introduction / 1; Etymological Meaning/1; Narrow and Broad Meanings of Education / 1; Education as Information or Knowledge/2; Education as Instruction/2; Educations as Teaching/3; Education and Training/3; Education as a Science or an Art/4; Scope/4
Aims of Education (Individual and Social)
Importance of Aim/7; Categorisation of Aims/7; Individual Aims of Education/8; Social Aims of Education/10; Synthesis of Individual and Social Aims of Education/12

Aims and Objectives of Education at Different Levels
Introduction/13; Aims and Objectives of Pre-primary Education/13; Aims and Objectives of Elementary Education/15; Objectives of Secondary Education/16; Aims and Objectives of Higher Secondary Education/18; Aims and Objectives of Higher or/University Education/20

Process of Education
Education as a Life-long Process/22; Psychological and Sociological Aspects/22; Education as a Process of Growth and Development/22; Education as a Process of Experience/23; Education as a Bi-Polar or Tri-Polar or Multi-Polar Process/24

Education in the Ancient India
Introduction/27; Education in the Vedic Period/27; Educational Environment/28; The Buddhist System of Education/31

The Concepts of Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha inthe Ancient Educational Heritage of India
Ancient Indian Heritage/35; Concepts of Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha in Education of the Ancient India/37; A Happy Synthesis/39

Education in Medieval India: Indigenous and Islamic Education
Historical Background/40; Indigenous Education/41; Islamic Education/44

Education in British India: Educational Activities of Christian Missionaries
Introduction/49; (i) The Early Period upto 1812/49; (ii) The period 1813-1854/49; (iii) The Period from (1855-1920)/50; (iv) The Period from 1921-47/51; Educational Activities of the Christian Missionaries During the Early Years/52; Educational Activities of the East India Company During the Period from 1765 and 1813/2; Educational Activities of the Missionaries during the British Period/53; Conclusion/55

Macaulay's Minutes on Educational Policy
Introduction/56; Macaulay's Minutes/56; The Downward Filtration Theory of Education/57; Estimate of Macaulay's Contribution/58

The Wood's Despatch on Education
Introduction/60; Objectives/60; Recommendations/60; Evaluation/62; Advantages/62; Limitations/63; Conclusion/64

The Hartog Committee Report on Education
Introduction/65; Major findings and recommendations/65; Primary Education/65; Secondary Education/66; University Education/67; Women's Education/67; Teachers Training and Service Conditions/67; Local Bodies and Educational Administration/68; Conclusion/69

The Basic Education Movement
Introduction/70; Concept of Basic Education/70; The Wardha Scheme/70; The CABE Decisions/71; Content of Basic Education/72; Significant Features of Basic Education/72; Criticism/74; Conclusion/74

National Education Movement Before Independence
Background/75; Birth of National Education/75; National Institutions and their Enrolment, 1921-22/76; Nature and Characteristics of National Education/77; Development of National Education/78

National Education Movement After Independence
Historical Development/82; National Policy on Education 1968/84; National Policy on Education 1986/84; The Ramamurthy Review Committee/86; The Janardhan Reddy Committee/87; National Policy on Education (Modified) 1992/88; Conclusion/91
Development of the National System of Education:With Special Reference to the Education Commission, 1964-66,the NPE 1968 and the Modified
NPE, 1992
Introduction/92; Need for the National System of Education/92; The Education commission, 1964-66/93; The National Policy of Education 1968/98; Review of the NPE, 1968 and After/102

Basic Philosophies of Education
Meaning of Philosophy/104; Meaning of Education/105; Relationship Between Philosophy and Education/105; Philosophy and Aims of Education/106; Philosophy and Methods/107; Philosophy and School Organisation/107; Philosophy and Evaluation/108; Philosophy and Teacher/108; Conclusion/108

Idealism, Naturalism and Pragmatism
Three Most Important Schools of Philosophy/110; Idealism/110; Basic Principles of Idealism/111; Aims of Education/111; Idealism and Curriculum/112; Idealism and Methods of Teaching/113; Idealism and the Teacher's Role/113; Idealism and Discipline/113; Idealism and School/113; Naturalism/114; Naturalism and Education/115; Naturalism and Aims of Education/115; Naturalism and Curriculum/116; Naturalism and Methods of Teaching/116; Naturalism and Teachers/117; Naturalism and Discipline/117; Naturalism and School/117; Pragmatism /117; Basic Principles of Pragmatism/118; Pragmatism and Education/120; Pragmatism and Aims Of Education/120; Pragmatism and Curriculum/120; Pragmatism and Method Of Teaching/121; Pragmatism and Teacher/122; School and Pragmatism/122; Discipline and Pragmatism/123; Conclusion/123

Realism in Education
Meaning and Nature/124; Development of Realism/124; Basic Principles of Realism/125; Types of Realism and Education/125; Characteristics of Education in Realism/127; Aim of Education in Realism/128; Curriculum and Realism/129; Methods of Teaching and Realism/129; Realism and Teacher/130; Discipline and School Environment/130; Conclusion/130

Eclecticism in Education
Meaning and Nature/132; Basic Principles of Eclecticism/133; Aims of Education/134; Curriculum/134; Methods of Teaching/135; Teacher and Discipline/135; Conclusion/135

Mahatma Gandhi as an Educationist
Introduction/137; Gandhiji's Philosophy of Life/137; Gandhiji's Philosophy of Education/138; Meaning and Aims of Education/139; Curriculum and Content of Education/140; Methods of Leaching/141; Conclusion/142

Rabindranath as an Educationist
Introduction/144; Tagore's Philosophy of Life/144; Tagore's Philosophy of Education/145; Tagore's Aims of Education/146; Tagore's Curriculum/147; Tagore's Methods of Teaching/148; Conclusion/149

Educational Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo
Introduction/151; Educational Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo/151; Integral Education/152; Special features of Integral Education/154; Methods and Teaching/154; Discipline and Management of Students/156; Role of Teachers/157; Conclusion/158

Swami Vivekananda as an Educationist
Introduction: Brief Life Sketch/159; His Philosophy of Life and Education/159; Basic Principles of his Education Philosophy/160; Aims and Objectives/161; Curriculum/161; Methods of Teaching/162; Role of the Teacher/162; Conclusion/162

Education as an Instrument of Social Change: Factors andAgents of Social Change
Meaning and Nature of Social Change/164; Kind of Social Change/164; Dynamics of Social Change/165; Factors and Agents for Social Change/166; Education as an Instrument of Social Change/167; Social Change and Education/168; Education and Social change in India/169

Education and Politics
Introduction/172; Relation between Education and Politics/172; Historical Background/173; Advantages and Disadvantages of State Control/177; Advantages/177; Disadvantages/177; Conclusion/178

Education and New Social Order
Introduction/179; Education in the Emerging Society/182

School and Classroom as Social Systems
Meaning and Genesis of School and Classroom/186; The Classroom/187; Components of the School and Classroom/188; The School, a miniature Society/189; Mutual Cooperation between the School and the Community/189; Utilisation of School Resources for the Community/190; Utilisation of Community Resources for Improving Schools/192; The School for the Society and Vice Versa/192; Conclusion/193

School-Community Relation
Introduction/194; Community Resources for Schools/194; School Resources for the Community/195; Ways and Means of Improving School-Community Relations/196

Education as an Instrument of Economic Change and Human Resource Development
Education as an instrument of Economic Development/198; Human Resource Development through Education/199; Man does not live by bread alone/199; National Aspirations of India/200; Development of Human Resources/201; Investment in Education/202; Conclusion/203

Education and Rural Development
Present Scenario of Rural Development/205; Education for Rural Development/207; Nature and Content of Education in Rural Areas/208; Problems of Rural Education/208; Disparities between Rural and Urban Areas/208; Disparities among ST, SC and General Classes/209; Provision in the NPE, 1986 and Revised NPE, 1992/209

Education for Total National Development
Human Right to Education: A Key to Development/212; Education for Economic and Human Resource Development/212; Education for Total National Development in Plans and Policies/214

Democracy and Citizenship Education
Concept of Democracy Through Ages/217; Relation between Education and Democracy/219; Citizenship Education/221; Growth of Citizenship Education/222; Citizenship Education of India/223

Education for Socialism
Meaning of Socialism/224; Socialism in India/224; Impact of Socialism on Education/226; What should be done by the Education System?/228; Conclusion/229

Education for National and Emotional Integration
Introduction/230; The Backdrop/230; Present Status/231; Educational Endeavours/232; Conclusion/233

Education for International Understanding
Modern World: Its Needs and Problems/234; Nationalism Vs Internationalism/235; Reconciliation Between Nationalism and Internationalism/235; Meaning and Principles of International Understanding/236; Role of Education/236; Principles of Education/237; Curriculum for International Understanding/238; Methods of teaching International Understanding/239; Co curricular Activities/240; Role of Teachers/240; Conclusion/241

Education for Secularism
Meaning and Nature of Secularism/242; Education and Secular Society/243; Education in Secular India/244; Conclusion/245

Education for Peace and Harmony
Introduction/246; Genesis of Education for Peace and Harmony/246; Measures for Promoting Peace and Harmony/248; Diagnosis of Wars and Peace/249; Democracy and Education for World peace/250; Conclusion/251

Curriculum: Meaning, Principles and Need for its Construction
Meaning of Curriculum/253; Principles of Curriculum Construction/254; Defects in the existing curricula/256; Need for Curriculum Development/257

Curriculum: Process and Types
The Process of Curriculum Development/260; Activity centred Curriculum/263; Experience Centred Curriculum/266; Core Curriculum: Nature and Characteristics and Implementation/268; Child Centred Curriculum/270

Trends in the Change of Curriculum since Independence: With Reference to Orissa
A Development of Primary School Syllabi and Curricula after Independence in Orissa/272; Syllabus Revised in 1952/272; New syllabus in 1957/273; Important Landmarks in change of Curricula in 1962/274; The National Policy on Education, 1968 and its Impact/275; Significant and Landmark Attempts at the National Level, 1985/276; Emerging Concerns and Imperatives in 1985/276; Curriculum Scenario in Retrospect/276; Curriculum Organisation for the National System of Education/284; National Curriculum Framework/284; All-Round Development of the Child/286; NPE, 1986: Its Main Thrusts for Curriculum Development/288; Development of Curriculum/Syllabus at the Secondary School Stage./288; The Education Commission, 1964 66/291; National Curriculum Framework, 1985/291; National Policy on Education, 1986/292; Programme of Action, 1992/293

Fundamentals of Teaching Practices
Meaning and Nature of Teaching/294; Teaching vs. Learning: Then and Now/296; Effectiveness of Teaching/297; Fundamentals of Teaching Practices/298; Conclusion/308

General Maxims of Teaching
Introduction/309; General Principles of Teaching/309; General Maxims of Methods of Teaching/311

Herbartian Steps in Teaching
Herbart and his Educational Ideas/314; Herbartian Steps/314; Psychological Bases of Herbartian Steps/316; Modifications of the Herbartian Steps/317

Various Approaches to Teaching
Analytic and Synthetic Methods of Teaching/320; Inductive and Deductive Methods of Teaching/321; Problem-solving Method/322; Advantages and Drawbacks of Inductive and Deductive Method/323; Limitations/324; Project Method/324; Limitation/327; Play-Way Method/329

Kindergarten Method/System
Introduction/331; Philosophy and Principles of KG Education/331; Aims and Functions/332; Meaning and Concept/332; Methods Of Teaching/335; Teaching Aids and Activities/335; The Teacher's Role/336; Merits and Contributions/336; Limitations and Criticism/337; Conclusion/338

Montessori System: Teaching Through Didactic Apparatus
Introduction/339; Philosophy and Principles Underlying the System/339; Montessori School and Curriculum/341; Methods of Teaching/342; Advantages/344; Limitations/345; Conclusion/346

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